In the history of the object, the person or corporate body involved in the event described
Other possible database element names
Name of the person involved
Name of the institution
Text and/or URI
Obligation level
At least one event in the history of the object is mandatory.
In addition to the Event type, each event must have at least one "who", "where" or "when".
Recording notes
It is recommended to specify names of persons/corporate bodies both in a text element and separately using URIs from authority files. There are various recommendations for specifying preferred names, depending on the application. An important reference is the Integrated Authority File (GND).
In the case of data delivery to the German Digital Library, the delivery of URIs from the Integrated Authority File is strongly recommended for the identification of persons and corporate bodies.
It is recommended that the role played by the person/corporate body mentioned in the described event in the object history is specified in a separate element. If this is not possible, the role specification should be added to the name in such a way that it can be extracted rule-based during export, e.g. "Last name, first name (role: [role name])".
If the person/corporate body that produced the object cannot be identified, a separate data element (in LIDO: <lido:culture>) should be used to specify the geographical, stylistic or cultural attribution of the object, if possible.
CARE: Knowledge gaps in the object's history should always be disclosed (e.g. by stating “not documented” or “not known to us” in the data elements “Person/entity”, “Date”, “Location”). Uncertainties or attributions that originate, for example, from the surviving collection entry documentation should be contextualized in a separate data element “Event description” (in LIDO: <lido:eventDescriptionSet>/<descriptiveNoteValue>). If the persons/corporate bodies involved can be researched and identified retrospectively, but do not have a unique identifier in the Integrated Authority File, collaborative knowledge databases such as Wikidata are suitable for generating unique identifiers.
Terminology recommendation
Integrated Authority File (GND, German National Library): The following search interfaces provide a convenient way to search the GND: (GND-Explorer), (lobid-gnd), (OGND). German Digital Library: Preferred name in Entity Facts is decisive.
Union List of Artist Names (for persons and corporate bodies active in various functions in the arts)
Virtual International Authority File
URI | Preferred name | | Hinghaus, Walter | | Zippel, Eva | | Antonello da Messina | | Commodus, Römisches Reich, Kaiser [eng.: Commodus, Emperor of Rome, 161-192] | | Kotys II., Bosporanisches Reich, König [eng.: Cotys II, Bosporan Kingdom] | | Gilbert & George | | Royal Porcelain Manufactory, Berlin | | Artaria & Fontaine à Mannheim (Firma) [engl.: Artaria & Fontaine, Bookseller in Mannheim] | | Nixdorf Computer AG |
Expression in LIDO (v1.0 and v1.1)
<lido:eventWrap> <lido:eventSet> <lido:event> <lido:eventActor> <lido:actorInRole> <lido:actor> <lido:actorID lido:type=""></lido:actorID> <lido:nameActorSet> <lido:appellationValue>Nixdorf Computer AG</lido:appellationValue> </lido:nameActorSet> </lido:actor> </lido:actorInRole> </lido:eventActor> </lido:event> </lido:eventSet> </lido:eventWrap>
Comparison with relevant standards and database models
Standard | Element name | Text/URI | Repeatable | Obligation level | Comment |
German Digital Library: Metadata requirements for data provision | (No match) | Not applicable | Not applicable | Not applicable | |
Text (controlled vocabulary) and/or URI | Yes | Conditionally mandatory | Mandatory if sub-elements exist. GND IDs are the basis for creating or linking to entity pages, for instance on persons or corporate bodies, in the portal. | ||
DFG Basic Data Record | Source Object Relevant Person | Text (controlled vocabulary) and/or URI | Yes | Recommended | |
DFG Practical Guidelines on Digitisation: LIDO core metadata | Identifiable actors involved in the event <eventSet> / <event> / <eventActor> | Text (controlled vocabulary) and/or URI | Yes | Mandatory if available | The DFG Practical Guidelines on Digitisation recommend that additional information on the cultural context in the LIDO-Element <culture> is provided, especially if no specific producer or user of the object can be named. |
Europeana Data Model (EDM) | Text (controlled vocabulary) and/or URI | Yes | Recommended | ||
EODEM application profile | Maker Identifier, Maker Sort Name /lido:eventActor/lido:actorInRole/lido:actor/lido:actorID /lido:eventActor/lido:actorInRole/lido:actor/ | Text (controlled vocabulary) and/or URI | Yes | Not mandatory | |
digiCULT | Künstler/Hersteller/Vorbesitzer etc. (actorInRole) [engl.: Artist/Producer/Previous owner etc. (actorInRole)] | Text (controlled vocabulary) and/or URI | Yes | Recommended | |
museum-digital | Who? | Text (controlled vocabulary) and URI | Yes | Recommended |
ID data element